Yup, yet another scenario where I fumed my mind. I was with a product catalogue application, for a POC (Proof of concept) to Malaysian client, where the registered users would be able to add a product details under a chosen category. The uploaded products will be listed in the home page based up on the category. Requirement was of very low complexity.
Generate random number generated from C# to give a unique name for the file which is going to be saved in the server. Generate the thumbnail image by specifying the width and height.
if (UploadImage.HasFile) {
try {
Random random = new Random();
int randumNumber = random.Next(1000);
string FolderPath = Server.MapPath("~") + "\\ProductImages\\";
string FileName = randumNumber.ToString() + "-" + UploadImage.FileName;
System.Drawing.Image myImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(UploadImage.PostedFile.InputStream);
MessageLabel.Text = "Unable to save the file";
return false;
Thinks are simple once you have a try, until then it would be complex. Now my concern is to have a water mark of the company logo on the main image on the fly. Come down,
Genrating Watermark on the fly
private void MakeWatermark()
string sProduct = Server.MapPath("ProductImage.jpg”);
string sLogo = Server.MapPath("logo.gif");
System.Drawing.Image oImage= Bitmap.FromFile(sProduct);
Graphics oGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(sLogo);
Bitmap oLogo = new Bitmap(s2);
oGraphics.DrawImage(oLogo, new Point(70, 70));
Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG";
oImage.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);