Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What next? Yeah, I got JQuery in hand !

What next, if the server side controls are rendered in to pure html? Has developer all done with coding? Not at all, jQuery can do a million at the front end.

Quite surprisingly, the client manager asked us to display the details of an internal order in a new table right after the selected row of the grid view by adding a new row in the grid view. What to do when the server side code has lost the control after the code has been rendered in to the browser? We went Google to come out of the trouble.

jQuery was the answer we found to relax a bit. The code snippets we found during our search made us wonder line by line. Hours of R&D brought us delight, could present it pretty decently up to the expectation.

Have a sneak peek here, this is the way we done it.
Added a button control in the item template of the Grid view. Attached a VB.Net Function in the Client Click event of the button, passing the Internal Order Number (PK) to it.

This VB Function triggers the Javascript Function defined in an external file. Passing Internal Order number and the current object Id. This Javascript method gets the parent object of the button, which is a element with help of jQuery and the object with the help of TD object.

Checking the value of the button control for + ( ie in collapsed mode ) and if collapsed, calling a Web service which returns the Result set for a particular Internal Order Number.

Just see how handy jQuery is

function LoadSummaryDetails(internalOderno,btnID, myObj)
var btnVal=$(btn).attr('value');

if(btnVal == '+')
var nextRow= $(tr).next();
return false
Web Service method returns a result set as a string object with the help of a string builder object.
The Callback function associated with the web service call does the following steps

1. Assigns the value ‘-‘ to the grid’s button ( To ‘Expanded’ mode)
2. Setting the CSS class for the button.
3. Creating a newRow object and adding the result set returned by the Web service to it.
4. Adding the row after the current row.

function GridSucceedCallback(result,eventAgrs)

var newRow = $("");
$(newRow).append(" "+result+"");

See the else block of the LoadSummaryDetails() function.
var nextRow= $(tr).next();
On Click of ‘Collapse‘ button,
1. Set the value back to ‘+’ ( to ‘Collapsed’ mode)
2. Changing the css style
3. Getting the next row of the current row object where the Detials have been added.
4. Removing the row.

1 comment:

Harees Seni said...

Lets simplify the JS Code

function LoadSummaryDetails(internalOderno,btnID, myObj)

var id='#'+btnID

if($(id).attr('value')== '+')
var nextRow= $(id).parent().parent().next().remove();

return false

My suggestion is to go with JQuery Ajax mechanism instead of ASP.NET Ajax. We could use the WCF services in WebHttpBinding mode to return in JSON format.