Friday, April 16, 2010

Classic ASP on IIS 7, PDF on Windows 7

Vijay Pais was back again on a drowsy afternoon with certain other issues
He was on his way of migrating our Corporate Intranet.

Destination Server : Windows Server 2003, IIS 6.0, Oracle Express
Source Server: Windows 7, IIS 7.0, Oracle Express.

Issue 1: Classic ASP website not running on IIS 7.0.

By default, IIS 7.0 runs on Integrated Mode. It has to be changed to Classic for Clasic ASP to Run. And few other steps.

Alex Thissan has already put it on his web log.

But issues didnt leave us, were hooked on another interesting thing,

Issue2: PDF files not opening up on Windows 7.

Though the IIS 7 running on Windows 7 is configured for .pdf MIME types, it fails opening up the file. Microsoft accepts this issue in their knowledge base article and suggest a HOTFIX (KB: 979543) as resolution.

Requested microsoft for this fix file setup, got it installed and PDFs started opening up.

Happiness was back at faces, as there was minutes left out for the weekend bash.

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