Friday, August 27, 2010

ASP.Net Application to run on IIS 7.0

Upgrading an ASP.NET application from IIS 6.0 or lower version to IIS 7.0 will have a lot of work. Microsoft provides an application that does the settings for your application to run on IIS 7.0. [Classic ASP.NET Integration Mode to IIS 7.0 Integrated Mode]

IIS 7.0 takes care of migrating the application by using the APPCMD.EXE command line tool to perform the migration. The migration error message contains the command that is executed in command line window (which you must run--right click the Programs\Accessories\Command Prompt icon, and choose "Run as administrator") in order to instantly migrate your application to Integrated mode.

The format of the migration command is :

%windir%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE migrate config

where Application Path is the virtual path of the application containing the site name, such as "Default Web Site/app1"

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